Friday, May 28, 2010


Does it ever go away?? I am SO terribly bored and I have already scrubbed carpet spots and one bath tub....what more can I do?? I have also given myself a wonderful headache...some of it from cleaning fumes, but most of it from my wonderful plight of scalp psoriasis. Who knew that you could scratch your head so much you give yourself a headache?? Well, I am here to tell you that you sure can!

Allergies have been horrible around here, so I am more itchy than ever! I thought humid climates was supposed to make psoriasis better... Anyway, I am at a loss for what to say. I don't even have new pictures to upload, so I am doing this out of boredom.

I did buy a new pool, so when I get it all set up...possibly momentarily...I will post pics of the girls in it. I know Bayleigh will love it, not sure about Jordyn though!

I did have 3 interviews this week. I couldn't believe it! I am crossing fingers, toes, everything for one of them. It'd be great to know what I am going to be doing in August and start planning stuff out. I know even if I don't get one of these that the Lord has something for me somewhere; whether that somewhere be a different school, different school system, or home is beyond me though. I am hoping to have less mental break downs over this issue this summer because I know that we are going to make it no matter what because the Lord will provide.

Bayleigh has asked me all week if she was going to school. I've explained many different times in many different ways that it is summer and school is out. She misses it. I think she misses friends the most though. Guess I'll just hafta be very inventive this summer and very fun. Uummmm, play group anyone???

1 comment:

  1. how in the world can you be bored, lol?!! come for a visit and i'll get you to work organizing my house. ;) best of luck with the job!!!! laura
